It's good to be in school. You learn a lot of stuff, obviously. What I learned recently is that as a child I was deeply wounded by all the lying that happened around me. I come from a culture that generally sees lying as a necessary tool for day to day interaction. I think it came out of a sense of modesty, decency, and being polite, as in, we don't burden others with our own "stuff" because that's rude, or else, we don't speak of certain things, it's just not allowed. But this type of thing can spiral out of control pretty quickly. Then there is the lying that parents do and the way it wounds kids and teaches them all the wrong ways of being in the world.
I don't really feel like getting into it any deeper than that right now, so I'll leave it there. Mostly I wanted to post my cool disco "star."
OK, I'm off to write my John Keats paper.