It is difficult to get through a day without some type of heartbreak, to say nothing of incessant and creepy premonitions of doom. Living, as we are, at the epicenter of countless potential catastrophes—the collapse of civilization, climate change, nuclear war, mass economic slavery, erupting racial and religious tensions—one feels the cultural pathology arising from dissociation of mind from matter from soul most acutely. We are, after all, “. . . new and liberated men and women living forward into a science fiction . . . ” (Hillman, 2005, p. 80), busy ignoring the roots of consciousness, lost in our insane collective mirage of spiritual/material attainment.
#JesusRules #MAGA #LoveItOrleaveIt #YouthNotDeath #LoveAndLight #SayNoToDarkness
If mind is spirit, and matter is body, then God (the inherent religious function of the psyche, the unconscious itself) is soul. The mind (spirit) has become dislodged from its soulful place in the natural depressions of psyche. Matter (body) is desacralized—its spirit liberated—and now, “. . . directed almost exclusively to conquest and erosion of the external world” (Jaffe, 1984, p. 135).
But the psyche is inherently religious because archetypes are the impetus for its life, they exist in a state of devotion to life. The unconscious is creative. God is creative. Psyche is creative—it “exerts a formative influence . . . on the creations of the human spirit” (Jaffe, 1984, p. 132). Without this religious, soulful ground that is devoted to life, the spirit/mind spins out of control, paving the way for a massive body count.
As usual, we are being invited to a wedding of life-affirming individuation.
We are individuals, we can unfold an inner marriage where psyche matters and mind/body is wedded to that “. . . third thing, a neutral nature which can at most be grasped in hints since its essence is transcendental” (Jung, quoted in Storr, 1983, p. 335).